I get Audry to school and let the daycare know to keep a close eye on her. Let me know if she has any sick symptoms. God forbid she pukes call me immediately. The last thing I want is for her to choke, or aspirate. I headed home. Before leaving I asked my buddy who was crashing here to listen for any wrenching or cries from Emery and assist where needed. I walk in the door to find the couch empty, my buddy racked out, and "Mommy, help" along with crying, and more wrenching. I fly up the stairs unsure of which of our 3 bathrooms she's in screaming her name. I found her in the master bath throwing up on the floor. I couldn't figure out why until I tried to get her to use the toilet, after all she was standing right next to it, apparently it was coming out of both ends, Emery yells, "NO MOMMY THERE IS POOP IN THERE" [her poop] So yes, she chose the floor and herself over the poopy toilet. Kids. God loves the children. I flushed the toilet and let her finish there. Started another bath and put her in my tub. The ponytail worked like a charm by the way. :) As I'm cleaning up her vomit, mind you I don't do puke, weak stomach, I start wrenching and Emery starts bawling, "Mommy your sick too!!!" No Emery, mommy has a weak stomach I'm fine. As I'm cleaning it I realize somehow she managed to get it on the cabinets, the floor, the wall, the toilet, and of course herself. I decided at this point I needed to bleach the entire house. I poured some shampoo in the water for the bubble effect and took to laundry. When Emery was ready to get out, I got her dressed for the 3rd time and set to cleaning her room. My first stop in my clean spree. My plan was to quarantine Emery to her room, and make sure the rest of the house we disinfected. Her appointment was at 1040 and seeing as how it was now 7am. [p.s. i woke up at 345am] I had time. After finishing the upstairs, I started the downstairs, and it was time for the appointment.
On my way to the appointment I called the daycare to check on Audry and the director was about to call me to let me know she had a fever of 99.8. Which I already knew that. When she told me it was in the armpit, and she missed snack and lunch because she was asleep, I told her I was on my way, but I had to take Emery in first. I didn't have time to pick her up before the appointment without Emery missing hers. After Emery's appointment I set off to pick up boog, I called in advance and they let me know she was "inconsolable before nap time" my happy non moody princess was moody. Yahtzee, had they told me that before you best believe I'd have taken her with us. We get home and I gave Audry a bolus 2 oz of pedialyte crossing my fingers she would hold it down. She did. She then ate 2 oz of her formula. After going 6 hours without food. I put her on a continuous feed for, for the next 24 hours she'll get one oz an hour. Don't want to put too much in her tummy and have it come out. Audry's low grade temperature turned into a 102* fever. After some and a nap she came back down.
Emery's been over compensated, under compensating all day. She's feeling better for the most part. Wish I could say the same about Audry. Currently her HR is 160-180 and after 2 rounds of Tylenol we are sitting at 101.6. She hasn't thrown up yet, and her o2 is holding firm. I am not happy about how hard she is working right now. Definitely going to either sleep in her room on the floor or sleep downstairs on the couch with her. All the equipment is down stairs so if I don't feel like moving it, I'll reside on the couch. Not like it matters, not going to get any sleep tonight. On the bright side I did knock out some unnecessary spring cleaning...
"Embrace The Suck"
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