You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything,---you can survive it.
Never Lonely
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Brace Yourself...
May 12, 2012 Audry was feeling better and made it through the night with zero desats. Decided we would go to a birthday party. We went to target to grab giftcards, and momma spent waaaaay too much money, on little girls close. Thankfully, I bought the girls swim suits because the party ended up being at the spray grounds on post. Emery had a blast. Keeping eyes on was difficult. Seeing as how Audry wasn't diggin the ice cold water shooting at her face, she spent the afternoon in her bumbo with the adults. Emery on the other hand thoroughly enjoyed the ice coldness. After losing Emery a few times, we agreed that she would check in every "15 minutes". Emery having no since of time came back every few minutes which worked better for me anyhows. She kindly let me know as she was running up that she was alive, and no one kidnapped her, and then she was off again. Mama got a wicked sunburn. While I made sure the kids were sunblocked, twice. I neglected myself until it was too late. I also remember sunblock when I see red. Not my brightest idea to date.. After running around all day, water gun fights, and cupcakes, the girls racked out on the way home. Got them home and they went straight to bed. Emery wasn't happy to wake up enroute to her bed. Apparently she wanted to stay at the "water park".Cried herself to sleep. Good thing she was exhausted, it only lasted a few minutes. Audry was in need of a cough so her wake up was a little more brutal. While we took the suction with us, the cough assist isn't portable so we left it at home. None the less the night without incident and after a batch of aloe vera, I set off on google, in search for a real water park with a wading pool. I came up shorthanded, Wild Waves isn't open til after memorial day. I then proceeded to find something wateresque [Im aware that is not a real word.. go with it] to do. We settled on the Spanaway Lake. Which brings me to....
[Mothers Day] May 13th, 2012
I woke up at 1000, breakfast was made, and the girls were already fed. Smiley face. After a cup of coffee and a few self motivating pep talks, I finally conned myself into getting moving. It may have been 1230 and we may have made plans to meet at the lake at 1300. [That's 1 o'clock for the civilians] Jessica arrived and while the kids were getting ready the bags got packed. I took off to Rite Aid to get some tegaderm for Audry's g-tube site. At right aid I got side tracked by beach towels, a cooler, case of Mt. Dew, a bathings suit cover, redbull, and coffee, I checked out only to realize I didn't even look for tegaderm. Go figure. After another hour at the house trying to fanangle 4 kids into swimsuits and finish packing bags we managed to get ourselves loaded in the car. Only to make it 15 mins down the road to realize I couldn't remember if I shut the front door or not. The whole weekend was pretty much a brain fart.
After arriving at the lake we claimed our spots and set to sunblocking the kids and oiling ourselves up. I had Jess put sunblock where I was already burned in an attempt to even it out. Not sure where she went wrong, but I definitely have a white "M" on my upper back a midst the bright ride. The water was pretty cold but the older girls didn't care. Audry screamed "Owie" everytime it touched her legs. She's not a fan of outdoor water fun. Every couple of hours I did bolus some water to keep her hydrated, and take her down to the water to wet down her hair and keep her cool. It may have only been 80 degrees, but sitting in the sun was taxing on me, can only imagine how her little body was doing. Yes, she wore the shades for a good chunk of the day. Never met a kid to keep sunglasses on, until this one. :) Emery, being the socialite she is, of course made friends, I caught her terrorizing some family in an attempt to play with their toys. After an hour of watching her "play " with the little girl, I told her to go swim. Of course she gave me lip, after all she is 3, and I explained that "we didn't come all the way to the lake for her to play with her toys, by golly we can do that mess at home. So go swim, or we will go home." She voted swim. Around 7 we decided it was time to rap it up. Emery as usual was crushed that the water activities were coming to an end. The rest was a repeat of the night before. Rack out in the car, and rack out at the house. Definitely my favorite mothers day to yet.
May 14th, 15th, 16th
These three days are a blur. Its been chaos at the house. Jess, Madison, and Mason have been crashing here and Emery and Madison are giving us a run for our money. A few highlights....
Physical Therapy
Every Tuesday we go to PT/OT at Children's Therapy Unit. Audry works so hard to do the littlest things. Believe it or not this video is an improvement. I'm so proud of boog. She still hasn't mastered pushing the balls in, but her reach has improved. Watch her tounge, its like it gives her that added "umf" she needs. :) She played catch, pick up sticks, and threw a hissy fit when they wanted to do some tummy time. Audry is not a fan of face down activities. It's hurts to see her struggle, and I do my best to focus on her strengths and not her weaknesses. She is a very strong little girl, and to me it's indifferent. I just don't like when the physical therapist say things that are clearly observations, and I take them negatively. Boog cheers me up though. The next video is of her dancing. [please ignore the offkey singing.. really it sounded great in my head] by a few highlights, I mean one. I'm too tired to remember the rest. I do know it has been a really happy last few days.
Definitely making the best out of a shittay situation..
KAYLA!!!! Colby goes to therapy here too!!! he goes on thursdays from 1-3 and sees Marilee for ptLOVE HER!!!! he swims with her in the pool every week... very good for them :)and jade for ot. when are you there and who do you see?
KAYLA!!!! Colby goes to therapy here too!!! he goes on thursdays from 1-3 and sees Marilee for ptLOVE HER!!!! he swims with her in the pool every week... very good for them :)and jade for ot. when are you there and who do you see?
ReplyDelete:)) love this!!!!
ReplyDeletewow i got exhausted just reading this!! I love your updates you do them so well, makes my blog look a little boring LOL love and miss you guys!