Finally, in what seems like decades, got out of the house today. A really good friend of mine arranged for a mutual friend to do a photoshoot with the girls and I. Pretty sure they turned out amazing. Not only because, well, have you seen my kids?! Also, because Amanda really knows what she's doing. Emery was a bit of a sour puss today. Not really embracing anything. Suppose it was my fault she didn't get a nap. Audry was the complete opposite. Smiling, interested, and living life. Shes got a zest for life and she does it with a big o grin. So all that aside we went to Fort Steilacoom Park. Definately going to go back! Not only is it gorgeous, but there is so much to do. There were a few soccer games which took me back to my good ol days of elementary soccer. Looking forward to Emery getting into sports. Usually I'd get in some mood about Audry not playing sports, but not today. Today the sun was out, the skies were blue, and I was hanging out with my girls. Who better to cheer her big sister on than Audry? I know the optimism is gross. I've been in a rut the last few days and today it seems to have moved on. I'm sure they will come and go, but today no bad feelings just great. While at the dog park/lake portion Emery fed the ducks. It was one of the few times we got her to smile without threatening to take her home and put her to bed. Non the less she met a friend, who gave her some bread, in just enough time to scare off the ducks. You guessed it, as soon as they swam off Emery was in meltdown mode. Fortunately our photographer showed up and I cheered her up by talking about the park.

We did manage to catch a few smiles from the sour puss. During the photo shoot we had to bribe her. "If you don't smile, no park." More about the pictures in a future blog. At the park I had a really hard time keeping eyes on Miss Emery. Its gotta be one of the biggest kid parks I've ever seen and it was crawling with kiddos. Audry didn't get to play much. Not sure if going out into the freshness was such a great idea. After we rapped the pictures she was a congested mess. I rarely leave the house longer than a few hours so bringing the cough assist seemed silly. Well next time at least the suction will be traveling with us. Needless to say the park portion of our extravaganza was short lived. Emery, of course, had another meltdown when it was time to go. We manage to cheer her up by letting her ride a tricycle back to the car. Got the kids home and into jammies. Cough and Suctioned Audry really good and hooked her up via her tubie. She is now resting [as well as eating ;)]peacefully, and she's statting at 100% o2. Maybe the park wasn't such a horrible idea after all. We made memories and at the very least we all have just a tad bit more Vitamin D. Love my life, Love these kids....

"Embrace The Suck"
I am so glad you guys got out! We need to take the girls there soon!