The first time I met Blanca, was during Audry's gtube surgery. While we had only talked through facebook and text messages she made it a point to come meet us during a critical time in our journey with SMA. This disease has made us family, and while it's ugly, I'm glad to have her and her family in our life. Bama is a total stud muffin if you read this and don't fall in love, nevermind,You will. The pictures are more than enough to melt your heart. Without further a do, meet the Shore family...

Months went by and we found out that we were expecting again. I was so nervous during the entire pregnancy. I didnt know what was going to happen. Thank God he had a different plan for us. On April 1 2008 our son Bama Davis Shore was born. A healthy baby boy who peed and pooped all over the doctor when he was delivered. He was a healthy 21 inches and 7.5lbs. We loved him. We brought him home a couple days later to meet all his brother's and sisters (he has one older brother and three older sisters) our family was perfect.

Months went by and that is when we started noticing he was missing his mild stones. We kept taking him to the doctor who said he was just fat and lazy. When he was six months I had to go to Ft. Lenardwood for school so the kids went to stay with my mom in texas while i was gone. That is when our lives really changed.

We finally got home on 22 April 2009 and talked to doctors at Birmingham Childrens Hospital who gave us hope and gave us the way to fight. We have been fighting ever since. Bama is now four years old and will be five on 1 Apr 13. We have fought for him from day one and continue to fight.
Life is challenging with this diesease. Bama can't walk, but has wheels, Bama cant cough, but he has a cough assist to help him, Bama struggles with breathing when he sleeps, so he has oxygen and a bi-pap to keep him going, Bama can eat but gets very tired eating, so he has a g-tube to help him, and about four other machines that sucks the mucus from his lungs and helps breakes the mucus up to avoid respitory illness. Bama cant sit on his own but we help him. I know that with the proper funding this diesease could have its cure and our children could live a life we all dream of them living. I make it a point to educate people everyday. I hate SMA and with the support of all the other parents, family and friends we can find the cure. The Shore family will not loose the fight to SMA!
"Embrace The Suck"
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