I adopted my sweet Girl when she was a few weeks old. Bethany "Grace" Dixon Age 6 was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type II when she was 16 months old. it has been a journey our family had NEVER expected to take. That dreaded day in August 2007 changed our lives forever. The day she was diagnosed, I was told I would be lucky if she lived to be 2! She is now 6
Grace is a Sweet, fun loving, very talkative & outgoing girl who loves Nick Jr, Disney World, her brother's & I can't tell you her favorite color b/c today it is purple & tomorrow it may be blue, red, yellow, green who knows... lol. She is 6 going on 16 She finds a friend in EVERYONE she meets! She gets around in her motorized wheelchair. She has weekly, Physical, Occupational, & Aqua therapy and countless Dr Appointments! She has beaten MAY milestones the Dr's said she never would!
Grace has had many admission in the hospital for respiratory complications from her disease. She has had 3 back surgeries for severe scoliosis from complications of SMA. She has a Port-A-Cath and on July 30th, she got a feeding tube (G-tube). No matter what she goes through, she always has a smile on her face!! Everyday is a Journey in the LIFE of SMA..... I wouldn't trade my sweet girl for anything in the world! My WISH is for a CURE for SMA!!
"Embrace The Suck"
To donate to help Grace and her friends please go to http://www.sophiascure.org/donate
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